Here's another repost of an old blog from a while back...
I take my photography way too seriously at times...concentrating so much on what I'm doing, that I don't always simply enjoy being there. It's a bad habit to fall into. Looking back over the tens of thousands of images I've captured over the years, the ones that hold the most importance are the ones I took when I was simply having fun doing what I was doing.

Photography should be exactly that...a way to have fun and express that creative instinct we all have. I've often had the desire to actually make a living at photography. Many people have indicated that might be a good idea and that I should pursue it. But, when I think about it, trying to make a living at it just might be the wrong way to go about it, for then it becomes a job filled with all the job-like responsibilities and problems. I'd think that would remove all the fun out of it. I'd rather keep on doing what I'm doing...earning a little here and there...but having fun at it and taking joy and excitement in seeing for the first time that new amazing moment of light come to life as captured through the lens.
I suppose if I were to provide a bit of insight for new photographers on how to improve their photography...the best advise I could offer is to simply encourage them to approach their photography from the concept of simply having fun with it. Not to get all caught up in the whistles and bells and technical jargon that goes along with it. All that stuff will come in time if one continues to read and learn about the craft...but, it is far more important to begin at the beginning...and simply have fun learning about a fascinating hobby. You might be amazed at just how amazing your pictures will turnout. Always remember...there is no such thing as a bad photograph as long as you like enjoy!