ESTABLISHED 2010 - Beyond The Campfire was created to encourage readers to explore the great outdoors and to observe it close up. Get out and take a hike, go fishing or canoeing, or simply stretch out on a blanket under a summer sky...and take your camera along. We'll talk about combining outdoor activities with photography. We'll look at everything from improving your understanding of the basics of photography to more advanced techniques including things like how to see photographically and capturing the light. We'll explore the night sky, location shoots, using off camera speedlights along with nature and landscape. Grab your camera...strap on your hiking boots...and join me. I think you will enjoy the adventure.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Beyond The Campfire - What's Instore for this Channel in 2023...(Updated...)

 Well, 2022 is winding down with another 6 or 7 weeks or so to go until the new year begins. The winter season is upon us all of a sudden like. Seems summer just sort of lingered along biding its time, then all of a sudden it turned cold. The fall season for 2022 turned out to be a pretty good and colorful season here in Kentucky. The colors were about as good as they get, but came earlier than expected. 

With the year winding down, I still have some photography pursuits I hope to accomplish before the year is out. Most of those will probably extend over into the new year. So, what's coming up for 2023 for this channel?

I plan on doing more wildlife photography. It's a kind of photography I've done somewhat to a lesser degree than I should, so 2023 will see me getting out more pursuing the local wildlife. Birds of course are always fun to capture, but I want to be able to photograph a wider variety of critters employing stealth to gain closer perspectives and to employ better and exciting photography/videography techniques. Looks to be a challenge, but I'm ready to get out there.

I will be doing a good amount of canoeing on Barren River Lake, mostly during the summer months when the wind moderates. It's a beautiful lake that snakes its way across south central Kentucky. I've managed a few overnight and multi-day canoe camping trips just to check out the possibilities and was excited about what I discovered. Looking forward to making more of these kinds of adventures.

I'm planning on a multi day canoe adventure where I hope to make a circumnavigation of the lake, about 140 miles all the way around. Probably won't paddle that many miles, but will attempt to cover extended stretches, especially in the Peters Creek area. These attempts will include a lot of video footage that will be incorporated into a Beyond The Campfire Video Production series. Been working on a project idea called "From the Water's Edge". It's a long term project where I photograph the scenic beauty of Barren River Lake from inside my canoe. Still working out the logistics for this one, but I'm exited about the possibilities.

Next fall season I will again be making multiday backpacking trips into the Mammoth Cave NP backcountry. This is an under-utilized resource and offers a fantastic backcountry adventure. The limiting factor here will be my bothersome hip. The doctor says I've got some arthritis in there along with some other issues. Hasn't prevented me from getting out, but does slow me down and limits the intensity of what I can do physically, but I'm still going.

The end of 2022 and into January of 2023, I will be making a trip(s) up to Seymour Indiana to chase after those amazing Sandhill Cranes. Will be checking out Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area and other locations in that area where upwards to 40,000 Sandhill winter over. It's a grand site indeed to witness a huge flock of them wing their way across the landscape at daybreak or returning to their roost at sundown.

Shanty Hollow is always a destination and I will again be doing some hiking/photography trips into that area especially during the spring when the waterfall is at its peak flow. Plan on canoeing over there as well to explore some of the wildlife opportunities.

As I mentioned previously, wildlife photography will take on a larger percentage of my photographic attempts. Doing so will also dictate employing techniques that will hopefully place me in close proximity to the wildlife. I will be gathering some road-kill to use as bait in the fields behind where I live. With any luck at all, I may be able to attract birds of prey and vultures, possibly even coyotes or fox. Deer of course are abundant in the area and provide for a ready photographic resource.

So, I'll have a full year ahead of me. Certainly there will be spur-of-the-moment opportunities and setbacks. The plan is to expand and improve on the Adventure Photography video series within the Beyond The Campfire framework. A lot of work for sure, but something I have been working on for several years now. So, I'm excited to get started and to share these adventures as Beyond The Campfire video productions. Come join me and share the videos! Even better, see ya out there!

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