ESTABLISHED 2010 - Beyond The Campfire was created to encourage readers to explore the great outdoors and to observe it close up. Get out and take a hike, go fishing or canoeing, or simply stretch out on a blanket under a summer sky...and take your camera along. We'll talk about combining outdoor activities with photography. We'll look at everything from improving your understanding of the basics of photography to more advanced techniques including things like how to see photographically and capturing the light. We'll explore the night sky, location shoots, using off camera speedlights along with nature and landscape. Grab your camera...strap on your hiking boots...and join me. I think you will enjoy the adventure.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Running The Edge: Current posted Chapters

A fiction online novel...

About Running The Edge:


Chapter 1 - South of Umpqua River Bar

Chapter 2 - Beach Search

Chapter 3 - Highlands of Papua New Guinea

Chapter 4 - Harbor Office

Chapter 5 - Regional Hospital

Chapter 6 - North Bend Air Station

Chapter 7 - Board of Inquiry

Chapter 8 - Drydock

Chapter 9 - The Ship Wreck

Chapter 10 - Winchester Bay

Chapter 11 - Marc Eagle II

Chapter 12 - Revelation

Chapter 13 - The Harmony

Chapter 14 - Lighthouse

Chapter 15 - Confrontation

Chapter 16 - The Fire

Chapter 17 - Kidnapped

Chapter 18 - Typhoon

Chapter 19 - Escape

Chapter 20 - Challenge

Chapter 21 - New Beginning



Saturday, April 30, 2022

About Running The Edge

Some years ago, as a very young man, I experienced one of the most amazing adventures I could have ever dreamed of. From September 1973 through August of 1977 I spent 4 years in the United States Coast Guard. Most of that span was spent at the Umpqua River Lifeboat Station in Winchester Bay, Oregon. A small, quaint fishing village along the southwestern coast of Oregon. It was here I became part of an elite search and rescue unit which operating those venerable and magnificent 44 foot Motor Lifeboats, the CG 44303 and the CG 44331. Two of the most iconic surfboats ever commissioned. 

Art work by Doug O'Dell

While at the Umpqua River station, the team experienced some amazing rescues and averaged close to 400 SAR's (Search and Rescue or Sea Air Rescue) a year. Most of those were routine, but a few fell well beyond the realm of routine and became life altering and demanding challenges. Needless to say, that experience provided a profound influence upon my young adult life and I would not be the person I am today had those days never occurred. 

Even all these years later, I can vividly remember events from those days and I often wished somehow I could convey the emotions and life strengthening events I, I've decided to do just that by sharing through a fictional story what it means to be a part of a unit like the Umpqua River unit.

Over the next several weeks, I will be posting a few chapters at a time from an unpublished book I've written that captures the danger and excitement along with personal revelations and challenges of what it means to be part of a Coast Guard Search and Rescue Team. Although a fictional account, the story is heavily influenced by my personal experiences and takes the reader back to that early 1970's era when the CG44303 and the CG44331 ruled.

I've done a lot of writing over the years, mostly about photography or outdoor related adventures. But this particular project was a long time in coming and challenged my writing skills far greater than anything I've ever attempted before. I will include actual photographs or art work with some of the chapters to help enforce the visual effect of the moment. I hope you enjoy this action packed adventure and discover a new appreciation for the young men and women of this amazing branch of military service. The Link to the Prolog is below.

CG 44331 - Umpqua River - Circa 1974

Here's the Promo:

Running the Edge

Matthew Jacobs, a member of an elite U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue team, finds himself facing the greatest challenge of his life. As a confident and aggressive surfboat coxswain operating the venerable 44 foot motor Lifeboats, his job is to sometimes do the impossible, but sometimes the impossible can not be done and he finds himself unable to save the crew of the fishing vessel Marc Eagle during a dramatic rescue attempt. During the failed rescue, he also loses two of his crew and very nearly his own life.

He faces a loss of confidence and is haunted by the events of that fateful night. His world is further complicated when the former love of his life returns from an overseas missionary assignment and reveals a hidden secret, one that could forever tear them apart.

Not only must they run the edge of danger presented across the tumultuous waters off the Oregon coast, they must run the edge of their emotions as they attempt to reconcile their relationship. Together, they face a final test that not only challenges their faith, but threatens to destroy them both.

Monday, April 11, 2022

I Want to Tell A Story

In the world of writing there are seven basic story archetypes:  


Rags To Riches

The Quest





Every successful written story will follow a format that uses one of these formulas. A photograph also tells a story, although, the visual photo story often is far more complex and more difficult to define and create because of the wide variety of visual opportunities. Factor in the photographers personal preferences and the numbers increase even more. But, not surprisingly, a visual story will often fit within one of the seven basic story archetypes. 

Discovering how to accomplish this comes with not only experience but a basic understanding of story telling techniques. If I could always define how this is done...well, I probably could write my own ticket as a photographer. As this has not happened yet speaks loudly, however, when I look back on some of my best photographs, I can often see how they begin to fit inside one of these story types. 

Interpretation of the visual signals is, of course, very subjective and open to the individuals personal experiences. Most of the time, visualizing the story within a photograph just happens, sort of subconsciously. You just know it and see it without really thinking about it. I suppose that is what separates a so-so photo from a good photo...and a good photo from a great photo. Images with powerful visual stories simply jump out at you like a slap in the face "wham!, demanding renewed and closer attention. A weak photo just sits there mumbling to itself and the viewer quickly loses interest and moves on.

Compositional techniques contribute to the overall impact, along with the use of color or Black and White, angles, lens selection, timing, and of course the big one, the effective use of light. Composition is what builds the structure of a photograph, Light is what builds the story. What narrates the story is the effective application of both. I'm going out on a limb here to take a chance, but I'd like to use a few of my favorite images and break them down to define what I perceive the story they have to tell.

Let's look at the image from above. I've used this image as an example on numerous occasions and for good reason; it's probably one of my top two or three favorite photo's of all time. Of the seven story archetypes, several could apply. Maybe The Quest might fit, or possibly Voyage, but when I really think about it, I believe Rebirth is probably the best fit. Certainly elements from all three apply, but simply from the visual story being told, Rebirth is by far the most logical fit simply because of the nature of the photo. Taken at first light on an October day, the first beam of light that illuminated the cluster of trees extending into the field, tells the story of a new day beginning. A single white faced cow standing in the highlighted area near the bottom left is facing the morning with stoic fortitude and the light fog drifting across and amongst the trees adds a element of mystery and uncertainty about the day. What is unique about this image is how darkness helps to define the light. Without the darkness, it's just another average photo of a Kentucky field. With it, the illuminated areas take on a greater importance and serves to pull the reader into the story.

Another one of my favorite photo's is this one taken on Shanty Hollow Lake just before sunrise. I do believe Voyage is the obvious choice of archetype although elements of The Quest can be seen. There is something compelling about this photo. Compositionally, it retains a powerful symmetry. The tops of the ridgeline are purposely cropped from view, yet allowed to flow as a reflection on the mirrored surface of the lake. Fog floating on silent currents of air drift low across the water and the soon to rise sun can just be identified by the reflective glow of clouds just above and behind the hidden horizon. The photo at once strikes a sense of adventure toward some unknown rendezvous, rekindling emotions from a distant past not unlike what Lewis and Clark must have felt during their Voyage of Discovery. Along with the adventure theme, there resides a layer of calmness, a serenity of purpose where the viewer hopefully becomes captured within the larger story that emanates from within their own dreams.

Black and white is a favorite format of mine as it removes the distraction of color and focuses almost entirely on story through composition, shape and form. This image of the gravel road leading to a farmhouse strikes at the heart of what story telling in a photograph is all about. The graphic use of leading lines and dramatic light draws the eye inward into the story. In this photo, I would interject another archetype theme: Coming Home. To me it is one of the great story lines of all time. Coming home and what it takes to get there. It could be tragic circumstances, it could be rebirth, it could be a voyage or a quest. The viewer gazing at this image might interject all of them based on their own experiences. The fence posts, the highlights across the tall grasses along the edge of the road, the farmhouse nestled amongst the trees, the dark texture of the overcast sky all contribute to the story. One can almost hear the crunching of the gravel underfoot as you walk down the road and feel the brisk nature of the wind as it shoves the clouds along. There is an element of anticipation, maybe even dread knowing just how close home is, yet it is somehow still far away. How long has it been? Continue? Turnaround? What to expect, only time will tell.

People convey a multitude of story telling opportunities within a photograph. Combine them with dramatic light and weather conditions, they will often provide some of the most compelling of visual stories. In the photo on the left, a homeless man strikes a reflective pose as he contemplates his situation. Rain had fallen, dark rolling clouds were boiling low across the sky, and street lights cast a reflective glare across the compound, all aiding the story of lost dreams, lost hopes. Taken from a lower perspective, the use a small aperture created the star-like reflective glow around the street lights. In a way, that starry glare casts a kind of hopeful atmosphere amongst the gloom of the situation. Sitting with a forward lean, he retains an element of contemplative defiance, a proudness of self where in spite of his circumstances, he knows he has value and is not yet beaten. This is a powerful image of the plight of a single person facing uncertain circumstances, yet someone who still clings to a deeper understanding of who he is and who he can become.

Often when I begin a walk with my camera, I look for a story to tell. Most of the time the story remains hidden but is almost always there, somewhere. As a photographer, I want to use my instincts and personal experiences to dig out and find that story, and use my skill as a visual artist to capture it in a compelling and truthful way. It's not easy and it takes a keen sense of purpose and drive to first discover it, flesh it out, then develop it into a simple form that actually makes sense. I say to myself, "I want to tell a story.." then ask myself one question, "Where is it?"