ESTABLISHED 2010 - Beyond The Campfire was created to encourage readers to explore the great outdoors and to observe it close up. Get out and take a hike, go fishing or canoeing, or simply stretch out on a blanket under a summer sky...and take your camera along. We'll talk about combining outdoor activities with photography. We'll look at everything from improving your understanding of the basics of photography to more advanced techniques including things like how to see photographically and capturing the light. We'll explore the night sky, location shoots, using off camera speedlights along with nature and landscape. Grab your camera...strap on your hiking boots...and join me. I think you will enjoy the adventure.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Red Letter Days: Photographing Elusive Kentucky Whitetail Deer

Over the years I could probably count on one hand how many true red letter photography days I've managed to have. They do not come all that often, one or two a season at most. By red letter I mean a photography day where everything falls into place; timing, subject, light, opportunity, and preparation. Two days near the end of November and into early December 2022 became such a time.

The farming fields that surround the area where I live harbors a great assortment of wildlife. Coyotes, foxes, birds of prey, and other small game, but deer are by far the most prominent. They may indeed also be abundant, but that does not make them easy to photograph for they are extremely shy and easily spooked by people. They are survivors, so they have learned to be vigilant or risk not surviving. These instincts are what makes them so difficult to photograph.

They have good eyesight, but can only see in shades of gray. They also have excellent hearing, but the one sense they rely on the most is their keen sense of smell. It is that sense that makes them a challenging foe for the hunter and photographer alike. They may hear you but that does not always generate a flight. They may even see you, but again that may not spook them if you remain motionless for they rely on detecting motion and if you stand or crouch and be very still, they may not be able to distinguish you from the background. But, if they get one whiff of you, they are most assuredly gone. But knowing this and how their other senses are used can be deployed in your favor when it comes to photographing these amazing animals. Camouflage or dull colored clothing helps to break up you pattern against the background, however, wind is the key. By always positioning yourself downwind from their expected sighting area, your odds of seeing and photographing these amazing animals greatly increases. It's also important to position yourself against a dark shaded background and to stay low so as not to present the form of a standing person.

Deer follow predictable patterns and tend to utilize familiar pathways and feeding locations. The corn and soybean fields that prevail around here draw them like magnets. The two weeks leading up to the end of November were the gun hunting season, so I stayed out of the woods during that time to avoid interrupting someone's hunt. But after it ended, I once again headed through the spit of woods that ends where two fields converge. Across the way about a hundred yards or so begins another more extensive woods, and that is where most of the deer congregate.

I wanted to capture some good quality photographs of these amazingly beautiful animals. I knew they typically feed in those fields late in the day and if the wind was right, I'd stand a good chance to catch some as they entered and begin their feeding. It was chilly, so I dressed accordingly. Top to bottom full camouflage was the dress of choice which included a full mess facemask and dark gloves. Along with me I packed a 3 by 6 piece of camouflaged burlap. 

Around 2:00pm I slowly walked through that spit of woods slowing and stopping just before I came to the end of it. A quick look revealed no deer, but that was expected and the down time afforded me time to get set up. A large cedar tree became my backdrop as it provided a shaded area out of the sun not so much to prevent my getting too hot, it was quite chilly, but to provide a dark area my camo clothes could blend against. I sat down with my tripod extended to its lowest level and draped the burlap across and to either side of the tripod effectively creating a simple but effective blind that would muffle and hide most any movements. The wind was good, blowing from my left to right which would take my scent pretty much away from where I expected the deer would show up. A slight adjustment to the tripod and camera, then it was time to wait.

I expected the deer would possibly show up between 3 and 3:30pm as I had previously inadvertently jumped them out of those fields around that time.  Right on cue, just after 3:00 I spotted the first one, a young doe coming out of the woods across the way. She was followed by another, then another. For several minutes, they were the only ones I saw, but the late afternoon light was awesome coming from behind and to my left flooding the field with long shadows and brighter areas. Before long a fourth deer arrived and he was a young buck with a small set of spike antlers. Within a few minutes a second buck  cautiously walked out of the woods. This guy was a nice 6 point with a well shaped rack. He was strong and healthy having survived the deer season and definitely was interested in the does as the rut was still on.

A short time later the does wandered back into the woods but the two bucks remained for a time before following them. Before long several more deer appeared along the edge of the adjoining field. They were a ways off but I was able to capture a few photos. As the light began to settle toward dusk, five more does came out of the woods and crossed over the field to my right. I suspected they would wind me as they crossed my downwind area. They did, but oddly they did not spook, they just got a bit antsy, and real cautious and kept looked over my way. Holding still and with the camo along with the natural foliage made it difficult for them to see me. 

Within a couple of minutes I heard a loud snort and thought they had figured me out, but when I turn my gaze toward them, they were looking in the opposite direction. Far across the other end of the field were two does and another buck...a nice buck somewhat larger than the 6 pointer. He was chasing after those two does. Too far away to get a clear image but I fired off a couple of quick photographs...then my battery died, the third one of the day to do so. I had no more batteries with me, so my photography day was over, but I sat for a while longer just watching. At one time there were around 15 or 16 deer in the fields at the same time.

I slowly and stealthily made my exit so as not to spook the deer. I could not believe my good fortune. I've seen a lot of deer over the years, photographed a few of them, but never have I seen that many deer together at the same time when I had a camera with me. My only gripe is I did not have a fourth battery and I missed the best light of the day.

A red letter day for sure, but the best was still to come. A couple days later I ventured out again. It was another gorgeous day with a light breeze blowing from east to west, not perfect but acceptable. I got there earlier and before long saw five does trotting across the edge of the soybean field toward that other wooded area across from where I was. Right behind them followed that same six point buck. All through the afternoon I caught glimpses of the deer, however they remained some distance away. Eventually, about 30 minutes or so before sundown, eleven deer exited that patch of woods across from me and angled across the Soybean field. I managed a few long range photos, but their line of travel eventually caused them to cross downwind of me and they caught my scent. Again they could not see me, but became quite agitated and eventually trotted across the field. 

I thought my shoot was over, but decided to stay until sundown. A short time later, a small group of does and one little four point buck walked into view way across the other end of the cornfield, well over two hundred yards away. By now the sun was quite low and created some wonderful warm light that spread across the field bathing the distance tree line with a warm glow. It took them a while, but they worked their way toward me and crossed over into the soybean field just after sundown. The light was very gray and dim by now, but I was able to capture some video and a few photos.

About all the light I had left was from the ambient glow cast across the sky. It was so dark by then I could no longer shoot video and a high ISO and slow shutter were required for photos. I started to gather my gear and sneak away hoping not to disturb the deer now feeding in the soybean field, when I noticed some movement across the cornfield. It was so dark I could just make out two deer, one was that little four point, but the other took my breath away. With his head down as he followed the scent of the does, his rack now polished almost white, stood tall and wide. 

I took a series of photos knowing the conditions were not ideal, but this buck was a true trophy class deer and just seeing him was worth the wait. I've seen a number of large bucks over the years, but never when I had a camera with me. This one was as grand of a deer as I have ever captured. Back to back red letter days photographing Kentucky Whitetail Deer.

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